The idea of planting arboretums as a suitable venue for the Passion Play incorpoarates planting trees named after famous figures since the 17th century to denote how such figures as Skakespeare in literature, Bach in music and Rembrandt in painting achieved the highest expression of our humanity as a benchmark for each new generation to aspire to and emulate their great example of what it is to be a human being illustrated in their respective Arts, of great literature, music and painting. Each tree can be dedicated to such great figures in history, also named after a Hymn from Songs of faith, or sonnet dedicated to the Queen. The entire arboretum then symbolises the achieved aspirations of Britain and the European Union and other nations around the world. What such arboretums can really inspire is a Culture Reformation as the most effective way to tackle Climate Change. This will be a great first step to inspire the United Nations from a peace keeping force to a reformed institution into a Nation Building Institution, where Britian and the European Union can best channel our resources to help raise the standard of life in poorer countries to come to the standard of life we are privilaged in Britian and the EU.
This Passion Play is a theatrical setting of the The Reformation 2 Tuition Course.